Saturday, November 5, 2011

Who Is She

As she dances across the ocean’s floor

I can feel her ----- drawing near to me

Whispering with Angels Breath

A lullaby so clear to me

Yet the words –so sweet of foreign tongue

Softly whisper as my heart goes numb

Yet we’ve never even spoken………

Often times we have passed before

Each time sailing by------- as if we have known each other for years

And as we meet again to pass these shores

That whisper fills my ears…….

Shall we dance she says ---- across these skies

Silhouette becomes one- as we hold firmly

Shall we dance she says ---- embrace this night

For tomorrow starts the journey

To where? I’ve no clue she never once told me

I woke up to soon--- to hear her speak I interrupted my own story

To never learn her name

Or feel her touch. Or taste her lips. Never to hear her whisper...

You see her presence was like a thousand tiny lights shhimmering on the ocean floor, and her eyes glistened intensely like nothing in this world.

Funny not to know her name but ever do I miss her……………………..


  1. know her name next time... that would be the start of not missing her because you can already have communication with her... nice post...


    btw, thanks for following my blog...

  2. This poem speaks to me of wonderlust. It is something that has always been there for me and I wish I had more opportunity to indulge it.

    Thank you! ;D

  3. Thanks for reading and commenting WilyBCool. I hope you enjoyed it

  4. this is good stuff..really like it :)

    P.S. thanks for following :)

  5. I really like this poem! You expressed the emotion really well, I could picture the scene as you described it :o) Well written!

  6. Thank you for reading and commenting Confused Soul and Chantell.. I hope you Enjoyed
